
Pro Dive International - Mexico & Dominican Republic

Recreational Facilities


Experience the highlights of Mexico & the Dominican Republic with Pro Dive International! Let Pro Dive’s multilingual experts tailor your hassle­-free dive vacation, incl. stay & dive packages at coveted 4 and 5 star beach resorts and world-class adventures: In MEXICO - diving in the caverns and caves of the famous Yucatan cenotes, at walls in Cozumel, the underwater museum in Cancun, encounters with bull sharks (Nov-Mar), sailfish (Dec-Mar) & whale sharks (Jun-Sep). In the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Saona & Catalina Island dive and snorkel excursions. In BOTH DESTINATIONS - courses from beginner to pro, snorkeling and cultural tours for the entire family, and lots more! Count on unlimited free Nitrox, free group leader, best available rates and hotel discounts. Pro Dive's GoPro IDC Mexico is one of the leading PADI CDC's in the Caribbean. Awarded as one of the BEST DIVE OPERATORS - CARIBBEAN & ATLANTIC according to Scuba Diving magazine’s 2023 Readers Choice survey, with 5 out of 7 awards: Best overall · Quality of Dive Boats · Quality of Facilities · Quality of Staff · Attention to Safety

  • MX Hostal

    MX Hostal, Playa del Carmen, Solidaridad, Quintana Roo, Mexico

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