
Phoenix Register of Shipping S.A



Phoenix Register of Shipping (PHRS) is a Classification Society acting as a Recognized Organization –Recognized Security Organization established in 2000 in Greece. PHRS operates in full compliance with the requirements of the International Code for the Recognized Organizations MSC. 349(92) and is accredited as per ISO 17020:2012 as Inspection Body type A as well as per ISO 9001:2015 for its internal processes. The Organization’s headquarters are located in Greece and branch offices operate in key locations globally, such as United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Ukraine, Turkey etc., employing a total of 130 people. Additionally, approximately 60 surveys stations have been established worldwide, covering all main points of activity, thus offering quality and consistent services in an effective manner 24/7. PHRS operates in a paperless and digitized environment, which ensures complete traceability and transparency in all critical operations. The, awarded, fully digitized Management Information System (ArchimedesInfo) implements an automatic step-by-step procedure from surveys’ application to vessels’ certification, ensuring proper validation and multi-level verification during the whole process from start to finish. Furthermore, PHRS has proceeded to the issuance of digitally signed e-certificates as per IMO guidelines FAL.5/Circ.39/Rev.2, ensuring easy handling, sharing, storing and verifying the authenticity of certificates online. PHRS is currently authorized to perform statutory surveys on behalf of twenty four (24) flag states as shown here . PH.R.S. provides a full range of classification related services (in accordance with IMO MSC.349(92): Code for Recognized Organizations (RO CODE), IMO Assembly Resolution A.739 (18), IMO Assembly Resolution A.789 (19) & the Annexes thereto) for all categories of vessels.