
Payamavaran Nanofanavari Fardanegar (PNF) Company

Environmental Services


Payamavaran Nanofanavari Fardanegar (PNF) company is the pioneer in innovative solutions for a sustainable development of industries. PNF group designs and provides technological solutions in various business activities which are water and wastewater treatment, energy, nanotechnology and cosmetics. PNF company has supplied desalination and deionization with reverse electrodialysis , arsenic removal units and cavizone technology, emulsified fuel nanocavitation, nanobubble and metal nanoparticle productions since 2007. Two new products of hare and skin care products group have been recently added to the portfolio of the company. Contact PNF company. Engage with us, and you will experience how our expertise, engineering advantage, custom-designed solutions and state-of-the-art technologies, allows PNF group to give the best solutions for your challenges.