
Passion Projects International

Philanthropic Fundraising Services
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Passion Projects International is a not-for-profit organization registered in Canada. Our aim is to create a network of socially focussed builders - people who use their expertise in innovative ways to advocate educational advancements. Passion Projects International was founded in 2016 by Corey Reid and Martha Smith. Inspired by local leaders throughout Arusha, Tanzania, our founders were determined to continue working with this community long after they had left. With the strong belief that leaders in the community are the best instigators of change, Corey and Martha worked with staff members at various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to start an educational sponsorship programs within the local private school network. Our team has grown to include both project specific leaders such as Mr. Frank, Sadie, Elora, and Josefina and corporate advisors such as Elise and Sandy. For children in East Africa, education is often a privilege rather than a right. Over the years, we have continued co-ordinating and raising funds for school fees and scholarship opportunities. As the program grows, we are determined to grow our network of “Passion Ambassadors” to help facilitate the vision of Passion Projects, and various NGOs throughout Eastern Africa that we collaborate with. This is where the idea for Passion Projects International was born. We foster collaboration between passionate individuals with different skill sets to build social programs that provide opportunities to the population we are focussed on. Our current focus is education, but our growth into new social verticals will be made possible by the ambassadors that get involved. We hope that by having a network of like-minded peers, Passion Ambassadors will find Purpose in their Passion, and impact the world. Our vision, simply put, is to make an impact in what ever way we can - join us!