
Partnership to Align Social Care

Hospitals and Health Care


About Us The Partnership is a group of diverse stakeholders collaborating to co-design a multi-faceted strategy to enable successful partnerships between health care organizations and networks of community-based organizations (CBOs) delivering social care and social services. These partnerships will create the efficient and sustainable ecosystems needed to provide individuals with holistic, person-centered care. The Partnership includes senior leaders from community-based organizations, health plans, health systems, national associations, and federal agencies. The Partnership aims to align with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Innovation Center Strategy Refresh and aspires to support health and social care delivery system transformation through the evolution of a sustainable, community-centered social care delivery system that enables value-based care. To succeed, this delivery system must have shared governance, sustainable financing, multi-stakeholder accountability, and supportive policy changes at the federal, state, and local levels. This proposed shift will be difficult to achieve unless sustainable models of social care delivery are implemented. Beginning in early 2022, Partnership members, joined by additional experts and thought leaders, will convene in workgroups to address priority issues that are central to a fully aligned health and social care system, including: 1. Core competencies and an approach for qualifying CBO networks; 2. Encouraging widespread use of existing and proposed billing codes; 3. A streamlined contracting process between health systems, payers, and CBOs; 4. Common IT security and interoperability standards; and 5. Enabling organization and financing strategies for sustainable CBO network infrastructures.