
Papua Diving Resorts - Sorido Bay Resort | Kri Eco Resort



Papua Diving is the leading diving resort in the Raja Ampat region, West Papua (Indonesia). It operates two resorts on Kri island: Sorido Bay and Kri Eco. Papua Diving is also a pioneer in environmental and maritime conservation through Raja Ampat Research & Conservation Center (RARCC) and Kayak4Conservation. As one of Indonesia's most remote diving resorts, Papua Diving is located next to Cape Kri, the richest house reef in the world. Built and owned by the pioneering Max Ammer, Papua Diving operates low-impact resorts, designed to blend in with the natural surroundings. Natural local materials, local craftsmen and traditional design create eco-friendly accommodation striking a balance between traditional and modern. There is no where on earth quite like Raja Ampat - discover it from the lap of island luxury at Papua Diving Resorts.