
Pörssi - Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun opiskelijat ry

Non-profit Organizations


Pörssi ry is the subject association of the students of Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (JSBE). With around 1 800 members, Pörssi ry is one of the biggest and the most active subject association in Central Finland. Our members are degree students at JSBE, studying Management and Leadership, Accounting, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Environmental Management, Economics, Corporate Communication, Information System Science or at International Master's Degree Programmes. Pörssi ry was established on 1968. For almost fifty years our mission has been to drive the interests of the students, take care of their wellbeing and create sense of community. This happens through diverse activities concerning studies, leisure time and working life. Organizing and continuously developing and increasing our activities is possible only because of our active and enthusiastic members, especially the board, departments and teams. We aim to improve educational political matters and take the students' point of view to JSBE's administration and faculty. The promotion of interests happens in co-operation with Suomen Ekonomit - Business School Graduates, Keski-Suomen Ekonomit, the Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä and JSBE. Concerning leisure time we organize lots of different events, such as parties, sports activities and excursions both in Finland and abroad. We give our members opportunities to improve their working life related skills and connect with potential future employers at company visits and workshops, for example. Through co-operation with companies we bring many benefits for our members. Moreover, club activities, international affairs and our own magazine, Pörssikurssi, complete the studies nicely. All of this makes it possible for the members to create unforgettable memories and get tools for starting their careers.