
OSZ Handel I – (High School of Business I)


With currently around 4,700 students and 221 teachers, OSZ Handel I is one of the largest German Business Schools. The Oberstufenzentren (OSZs): Competence in general and professional education Modern laboratories, professional rooms and workshops are standard. A media center, a library, a language and a photo lab, a gym and a cafeteria are part of many OSZs. Through considerable investments in the last few years, we have expanded our information and communication technology. Students who have decided to attend the Gymnasiale Oberstufe at an OSZ after 10th grade are well-prepared for either- studying at a university or doing vocational training. All German universities acknowledge the OSZ-Abitur regardless of the subject the student wants to study. Future studies are especially easy for those who wish to continue doing research in their core program. Especially our social partners recognize the efficiency of the system of dual education. Smaller businesses in particular can rely on a thorough professional education of their vocational trainees. History: "We shall beat our swords into plough shares." In 1878, the young lieutenant von Hindenburg had his third regiment of guards march across the barrack yard. In 1978, the architects Iwan Krusnik and Oskar Reith forged "swords into plough shares" and the gloomy barrack became a modern and pleasant center of education. In 1999, the first 6 centers of education turned 20. The OSZ Handel was one of them. General and professional education have been combined through the integration of the mandatory Leistungskurs (major) "economics" into the gymnasiale Oberstufe. The portal framed by the two big towers of the historic brickwork building is the entrance to the OSZ. The pleasant, bright lobby extends the newer part of the building. Our cafeteria seats up to 350 people, this large space offers many possibilities for all kinds of conferences and festivities.