

Data Security Software Products

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OpticalBackup helps companies and organizations to comply with the 3-2-1 backup strategy by providing a different type of media storage and off-site backup solution. Furthermore, it adds an additional safety level by providing immutable data recording. What is an Immutable Backup? A backup is immutable if it can’t be altered in any way, it is unchangeable and protected against accidental or malicious editing. We backup all your data in optical disks. Optical recording is a write once, read many (WORM) data storage technology. Data stored on a WORM-compliant device is considered immutable Key Features of Immutable OpticalBackup: 1) Impossible to Delete 2) Impossible do Edit 3) Impossible to Encrypt 4) Impossible to Infect With OpticalBackup you can start protecting your data with immutable recording media today without worrying about: hardware purchase or compatibility, storage conditions, scale-up, long term storage, data backup management, data security and access, redundant copies, optical disk management, file searching and file recovery. All data written in magnetic devices such as hard-drive, pens, SSD and tapes are prone to be encrypted and deleted if a hacker gets access to the necessary credentials. This is the typical data loss incident that causes business disruption and immeasurable costs. Additionally, if all your data (including backups) is saved in magnetic devices, it can be accidentally deleted, overwritten or corrupted. One solution to guarantee data recording immutability is the use of optical recording media. Optical recording is a write once, read many (WORM) data storage technology. Data stored on a WORM-compliant device is considered immutable; authorized users can read the data, but they cannot change it.