
Northwest Regional Re-Entry Center (NWRRC)

Law Enforcement


The Northwest Regional Re-entry Center (NWRRC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization which has been in continuous operation since 1964. We operate a 150-plus bed residential re-entry center and provide transitional services to offenders re-entering society from incarceration, for probation clients serving sanctions for violations of their supervised release, and for those under community restoration orders. The NWRRC’s mission and purpose is to support, educate and encourage our residents to do the work necessary, to develop and implement an Individualized Program Plan, that guides them in the successful transition back into their communities, including finding functional support systems, employment and housing, without reoffending. The plans are based on the resident’s unique circumstances, including what part of the federal, state or local jurisdiction is responsible for their referral to us. While a resident is in our program we are also committed to assuring constant supervision, providing structure for accountability, engaging them with social-emotional based, life skills learning activities and as a result protecting the community.