
NoID - Private, Secure Communication

Technology, Information and Internet


We protect email, we protect what you write, what you read, what you attach. We encrypt email and more. We added intelligence, "WeChat" for email. Email using privacy and security by design principles instead of the now 50 year old “anyone, can email anything to anyone whether they want it or not” concept. What we do? We securely move information from A to B. Information might be an email, password, text, pdf document, your lover’s photo, you name it. By design we have nothing to do with your data and we do not want it. It is your data – we deliver it. Use your existing POP3 and SMTP3 compatible email clients, Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird etc. Add and use our solution to the degree you value the added privacy and security it delivers. Benefits? 1. Reduction of risk 2. Authentication before communication creating trust between sender and receiver -reduction risk of data breaches, phishing, spam, junk, reputational consequences 3. Data is encrypted on the sending device and only decrypted on the receiving device 4. You keep your existing email tools; we work quietly and invisible in the shadow 5. Ease of integration and fast implementation, our technology is invisible 6. You do not need an army of expensive techies 7. Works side by side your existing email solution 8. Carbon & footprint reduction, we cut the travel miles of your data 9. Removal of monitoring and interception, your encrypted data has. No public IDentity 10. It is your data, we provide the tools, you decide where your server is located - at your office, cloud, Swiss Alps nuclear bunker, data centre at your castle, satellite (although it may slow down the process:) Who are you? Anyone who values their privacy Timeline: March/April – tests. We are calling for all cyber/security warriors to play with, test, and evaluate the tools we are building. May – Microsoft store for Windows and Android June – IOS store July – Mac store