

Information Technology & Services

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Want to maximize the power of ConnectWise? Do it with NexNow. We build smart tools, custom reports, and data solutions for your unique business processes and workflows. Make your work start working for you. Get in touch today: Custom Reports, Dashboards, and Business Insights Our custom reporting solutions give you the insights you need by showing you the data that matters most. Full Database Merge and Data Conversion From data migrations between third-party or legacy systems to full-fidelity merges between two ConnectWise instances, we'll get your data it where it needs to go. Integration Services We build custom integrations that connect your preferred third-party tools and services directly to ConnectWise. Custom Workflows and Process Automation Automated workflows simplify your interactions with ConnectWise by reducing the amount of clicks and screens it takes to complete tasks—from sales tracking and territory management to product updates and more. Data Cleansing and Mass Updates Our well-honed process can, among other things, selectively delete duplicates, update records based on criteria, and reorganize your My Company structure.

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    SC, Shrub Oak, Town of Yorktown, Westchester County, New York, 10588, United States

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