

Wellness and Fitness Services
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We want to move the world While life moves ever faster, people are moving less. Automation can be our friend but also our foe. It can move us quickly, so why go slow? So, while labour-saving technology strides on, we stride less. For many people, human-powered movement has been stripped away, step by step until our bodies are at a standstill. Movement for many is now measured in just minutes across the entire day and of course, there is a price to pay. Our backs scream, our moods swing, and illness often results. Humanity’s common enemy is the humble chair because this has become the centre of many people’s universe. Here at Newton, we believe there is another way. We believe that a body in motion is better than a body at rest. We are movement architects and slayers of inactivity. We exist to help people choose movement, for good – equipping and enabling them to weave activity into everyday life. These can be simple steps rather than sweat-drenching workouts because we believe little and often beats the “weekend warrior.” We are activity-agnostic – join the gym, play in the park, walk the dog, pound the pavement or chase the ball. The setting does not matter; it’s moving that counts. For many, building movement is a challenge – good intentions are easy while forming a healthy habit is hard. So, we start by understanding what first needs to change – some need to explore their “why” and others need to be shown the “how.” To this, we add some Newton “active” ingredients – a measure of behavioural science and a handful of digital tools that nudge people from their seats. What emerges is achievement, vitality and opportunity. We are Newton, and we are movement architects. We stand for movement; will you stand with us?