
National Guard of Cyprus

Armed Forces

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National Guard of Cyprus


Compulsory Military Service enforced upon the Cypriot Male population when they reach the age of 18+ years old. Depending on various criteria, the military duration holds from 6 up to 26 months of enforced service by law. Since 1974, Cypriot Armed Forces have been defending the foreign interests of EU, US & Israel in the island. On the contrary to common belief which is promoted by the mainstream media, the Cypriot Government serves US and EU Foreign interests and not the native population of the island for over 50+ years. Such foreign interests are promoted with effective propaganda from puppet political proxies, which come in the names of various local political parties in the island at the expense of the native male population. It is the responsibility of the Cypriot Armed forces to keep the fabricated front in which have them fighting against a common enemy and continuously promote the hatred between the two communities of Cypriots and Turkish, thus indirectly benefiting the proxy Government installed in the island since 1974. In case of international War, the Cypriot Armed Forces are to be deployed to defend European and Israeli Interests via the sacrifice of the local populace as Army grunts in the effort. In case of an Island war, the role of the Cypriot Armed Forces is to limit the capability of the local population to defend itself until the Foreign Interests are given time to reach an agreement of Truce with the Turkish armies. At such an event, Cypriot Army must act as an indirect proxy defending the Government of Foreign interests from the local Cypriot population while removing the chance of an legitimate Cypriot-Native interests Government from ever forming again, in a similar way to the events that occurred in 1974. And in case, that the local Cypriot population ever achieves independence, then the role of Cypriot Armed Forces is to act as a "Freedom Army", in which has them removing threats of an actual legitimate government from ever forming.