
Mother Teresa Foundation, Tamil Nadu

Non-profit Organization Management


The Mother Teresa Foundation embarks on the Noble Mission to spread love among the poor and bring them to mainstream of life to embrace Universal Brotherhood. The Foundation is dedicated to achieving extraordinary improvements in human life. The Foundation reaches out to the marginalized, through service activities since 2002 with main thrust in the areas of health, education and care for the abandoned aged. All the projects are carried out irrespective of caste, color, language and religion. The Foundation has 4 fold projects which includes : 1. Mother Teresa Medical Foundation aims to provide quality medical treatment at low and affordable cost. 2. Mother Teresa Education Program aims to provide full scholarship to academically proficient and economically backward students to achieve their academic aspirations. 3. Mother Teresa Joy Home runs on international standards to perpetuate joy, peace and security for senior citizens through a free home for the aged. 4. Mother Teresa Anbu Illam runs to fulfill the physical, psychological, economical and educational needs of orphans/semi-orphans with parental care to ensure a bright future