

Business Consulting and Services
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As a business leader you have myriad problems, opportunities, and decisions to deal with. Above all, you must keep your spirits up and your head above water, because everyone expects you to. You are the one in charge at the end of the day! In my experience, growth usually brings bigger challenges correlated with broader and different responsibilities, then loneliness can creep in, especially when facing sensitive decisions. Even if your board members or investors swear, they are “here for you”, they lack the neutrality and independence of views you may need. You may also not feel fully comfortable with “displaying” what could be perceived as “weakness”, being the one “in the big chair”. Last but not least, as a CEO, you are expected to be caring and aware about the wellbeing within your organisation. But who looks after you? Because you are at top, it may well only be yourself. Does any of this ring a bell ? The challenge of being a business leader is that a vast majority of people tell you what (they believe) you want to hear instead of what you need to hear. Executive business coaching means setting up objectives, questioning, listening, prodding, a little bit of “pushing”, rewarding and supporting. The goal is helping managers to be better businesspeople, work through the toughest issues and make their own fully formed decisions to stay ahead of the game. As a consequence, you will (re)own the vision and the strategy to paint a desirable shared future (link) and assert your leadership on the long run. Ultimately, the conversations(1) between the coach and the coachee must lead somewhere to provide a return on investment — for the business leader, the coach and the organisation. Ready when you are for a conversation : Specifics : Franco-British exposure / be IPO Ready, Post COVID / BREXIT, Digital Transformation