
MindShift Visual Coaching

Professional Training and Coaching
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We focus on coaching and project management with the particularity of using knowledge visualisation to support our clients. Knowledge visualization is a relatively new field of management and communication sciences which give those who practice it (us consultants) and those who use it (our clients) unique insights that we may not discover so easily and quickly with traditional approaches. Our services spread across three key perspectives: 1) Project management: for business, organisations and individuals. Managing business objectives to deliver strategic results require managers and team members to be systematic. The time where project management was only relevant to the IT departments is long passed. Even policy work can benefit from a project management oriented approach. 2) Coaching: coaching is another facet that cares for the people dimension. We understand coaching as a process which goes from goal setting to action planning with a clear desired outcome in sight. It is future oriented and has at its core the role of enabling change. 3) Transpersonal psychology and mindful leadership: the work of several key thought leaders (Ken Wilber, Otto Scharmer, Clare Grave, Don beck, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Grant Sossalu, etc) who promote a better understanding and dealing with societal and personal challenges influences our work. We are convinced that a human centred dynamic brings higher value results and is a condition for sustainable choices. We lay great importance in role modelling what we promote to our clients. We have 20 years of insights in the business world, in particular in the banking sector at national, European and international level and a decade of experience in personal and collective learning and development.