
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport / Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport

Government Administration
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    Spela Kucan 🚲 ... Following international trade and IP policy
    • Slovenia
    • Top 10%
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    Boris Širaiy PhD in Sports Sciences® 🏋️‍♂️ Inspector® 👮‍♂️
    • Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    • Top 5%
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    Jernej Kovac MBA HEC Paris / Head of Public Relations & Communications / Senior Corporate and Marketing Communications Manager
    • Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    • Rising Star
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    Nastja Trajkovič Advisor at Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport
    • Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    • Rising Star
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    Filip Korošec Masters student of technical safety at University of Ljubljana
    • Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    • Rising Star
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The Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport provides support for the further enhancement of the international competitiveness of Slovenian companies and the business sector. With various measures, we ensure a stable, predictable and competitive economic environment for the growth and development of Slovenian companies in Slovenian and foreign markets. We operate in the fields of various industries, internationalisation, entrepreneurship, tourism, internal market, wood industry and sport. Within the Ministry, there are also affiliated bodies that carry out tasks relating to intellectual property, market inspection, sport inspection and metrology, as well as executive agencies that deal in more detail with the implementation of our measures and the promotion of the economy, sport and tourism. ... Na Ministrstvu za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport zagotavljamo podporo nadaljnji krepitvi mednarodne konkurenčnosti slovenskih podjetij in gospodarstva. Z različnimi ukrepi zagotavljamo čim bolj stabilno, predvidljivo in konkurenčno gospodarsko okolje za rast in razvoj slovenskih podjetij na slovenskem in tujih trgih. Delujemo na področjih različnih industrij, internacionalizacije, podjetništva, turizma, notranjega trga, lesarstva in športa. V okviru ministrstva delujejo tudi organi v sestavi, ki izvajajo naloge na področjih intelektualne lastnine, tržne inšpekcije in meroslovja, ter izvajalske ustanove, ki se podrobneje ukvarjajo z izvajanjem naših ukrepov in promocije gospodarstva in turizma.

  • 1000

    1000, Četrtna skupnost Center, Ljubljana, Upravna Enota Ljubljana, Slovenia

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  • 2000

    2000, Maribor, Slovenia

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