
MAXFONE | IoT & Big Data Analysis

Data Infrastructure and Analytics


Maxfone is the first independent European data provider which operates in Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data industries. 👉 WHAT WE BELIEVE IN We believe that access to data and analytics should be guaranteed to everyone and everywhere. 👉 OUR ORGANIZATION We own two business branches - IoTSolutions & SocialMeter - by which we are able to manage adn transform different types of data into strategic value business confidence. 👉 INTERNET OF THINGS | IOTSOLUTIONS 🔘 TOP-LEVEL CONSULTING for the digital transition of SMEs 🔘 IOT DATA ANALYTICS: Industry 4.0 solution that monitors manufacturing processes and reduces power costs 🔘 IOT INFRASTRUCTURE designed and realized by out Innovation Managers (data-link networks, email and domains, cloud and computing systems, virtual switchboard and smart working solutions) 🔘 SECURITY: digital security and security on-site 👉 BIG DATA ANALYTICS SOCIALMETER 🔘 BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS: a real-time map of the consumer behaviour developed through AI technologies applied on web content, social media and mobility data. 🔘 DIGITAL EVENT: solutions supported by advanced features of engagement, analytics and call-to-action 🔘 DATA DRIVEN MARKETING RESEARCH: innovative surveys for the identification of new trends 🔘 STRATEGIC CONSULTING from search setting to monitoring to data analysis, we process the results and offer customized advising on digital strategy 💥 Visit @SocialMeter on LinkedIn 📄 1st Italian patent in Big Data Analysis for "equipment and method of data acquisition, monitoring and analysis" - N ° 1020015000040566/2018 💡 RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 🔘 NATIONAL: Bicocca, Ca’ Foscari, IUAV, IUSVE, PoliMi, UniPadova, UNIVR 🔘 INTERNATIONAL: Boston, Passau, Richmond, Texas State University 👉 Stay informed on IoT and Big Data 1️⃣ Click FOLLOW on this page 2️⃣ Follow the hashtag #maxfone 📩 []( ☎️ tel. 0459205100