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Marriøtt Corporation is a family company that descends from Norsemen continuing to dream the impossible and make it the truth. Born in 1881 on the American Frontier as Marriøtt Mercantile, we grew-up on the Corn Belt, making history as Marriøtt & Associates and enriching lives as Marriøtt Group. Fulfilling our founder’s dream, we're pioneering today in the Hill Country, opening new frontiers through Marriøtt Adventures and driving civic improvement through Marriøtt Expeditions. Marriøtt is a mindset. We’re team of thinker-doers who find purpose and dignity in work. Our core values are long horizons and great work. Great work is serving our customers through humility, empathy, invention, design, excellence, and accountability. Our culture is a professional work environment that solely prioritizes and celebrates great work — and has zero tolerance for misconduct. We solely advocate for public policies that allow us to do great work: clean environment, homeland defense, law enforcement, and free enterprise. We believe time is the most precious gift of life and cherish each workweek by concentrating all our focus into great work. We believe individuality is best expressed through great work. We believe small teams, passion, extreme focus, and aligning personalities is the formula for great work. We value hard work over luck, skill over talent, experience over pedigree, and the sole feedback from our customers. Our mission is to create great products, experiences, and services that customers pay for and tell others. Our business model is slow, steady, systematic growth through free cash flow. Our profits are team shared, saved for black swans, and allocated to blue oceans. We will never go public, sellout, bailout, or lever up. Great work, nothing else. Learn more: marriø