
Loose Leaf Women Tea Company

Food and Beverage Services
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Sip a Little Attitude There's nothing more rewarding than giving the gift of premium certified organic loose leaf tea blended with wonderful aromas and flavors such as lavender, cheery, rose, bergamot and jasmine. Fun to receive and delicious to sip. Teas include: Amazonia's Brave New RealiTea ---Mighty Breakfast Black Tea Supercharged with Roasted Chestnut Aphroditea's Ravishing Sex Goddess Tea ---Organic Green Tea Kissed with Rose Petals and Cherry Sweetness Calamitea's Stick To Your Guns Tea ---Blackest Breakfast Tea with a Straight Shot of Sassy Cinnamon Catty Kitty's Afternoon Gossip Tea ---Organic Darjeeling Black Tea with a Whisper of Lavender Cupiditea's Somebody Loves Me Tea ---Black Tea Smitten with Rose, Chocolate and Strawberries Katana's The Nth Degree Tea ---Traditional Genmaicha Green Tea Popping with Toasted Rice Marvelous Matty's Forever LoyalTea ---Organic English Breakfast Loose Leaf Black Tea Mona's Mysterious Perk Up and Smirk Tea ---Organic Green Tea Slyly Scented with Jasmine Nefertitea's Riddle the Sphinx Tea ---Egyptian Chamomile, Peppermint and Lemongrass Herbal Infusion Princess Pea's Please Be a Prince Tea ---Green Tea Kissed with Succulent Wild Strawberries Queenie's High Brow Pinkie Tea ---Organic Earl Grey Black Tea Crowned with Royal Citrus and Bergamot Rosie's Riveting We Can Do It Tea ---Premium Black Tea with a Powerful Punch of Caramel Sister Serenitea's Tea of Tranquility ---Organic Rooibos (Red Bush) Blessed with Chocolate and Mint