

Blockchain Services

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ListScouts - The Home for Lists --> World’s First, Blockchain-based, User-owned, List Database. *** We have a dream to build the first 'native home' for lists. There are hundreds of millions of user-generated lists out there already. Those lists contain information about places, activities, and events. However, all those lists are not connected to each other because they are stored on different centralized databases, like websites, blogs and apps. We bring all these lists to a shared database, the blockchain, so that users can save & subscribe to all the lists they care about in one place and carry them easily in their pocket. It's the first time creators can really own the content they create and earn money with it directly. Each list comes with an embedded advertising banner in the form of a non-fungible token (NFT) that can be traded and leased, turning the list into a yield-generating asset. Users can invest in the future success of another user's list by purchasing it in anticipation of future revenue. We identified that there is an uncaptured long-tail, the long-tail of user-generated lists. Join us on our path to build the first native home for lists. ***