
LIOVE 絡屋建創


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LIOVE 絡屋建創


子項目:能速組拆的機動模組化雲廚房 Sub-Project: Easy-to-assemble and mobile modular cloud-kitchen 將模組化建築科技應用在雲廚房場域,讓它具備機動性、快速組裝拆卸、內部件替換的新功能。 技術中的"標準化量產"能合理降低製造成本、"預製"可大幅提前交付時程、產品上述"3個新功能",一起把建築是習知的「客製化不動產」,轉成生產汽車般的「規模化動產」。 此資產循環經濟模式達到(1)更佳的商業永續性,有效減少後續二次花費。又相比現存二手屋改裝雲廚房,模組化雲廚房讓用戶擁有(2)較低的租/買產品取得成本、(3)更高的營運/變更/維護效率。 We apply the standardized modular construction technology into the cloud-kitchen field, and make it mobile, component-replaceable, and assembled easily and quickly! For our clients or renters in the food and beverage industry, first, standardization saves the construction cost or improves their rental affordability. Second, prefabrication shortens the construction or their preparation timeline. Also, easy-to-assemble and replaceable components promote the operation efficiency. Finally, modularization enhances cloud-kitchen mobility and circularity like second-hand car market, achieving higher business sustainability. 母項目:能機動裝卸的可負擔長租公寓 Master-Project : Flexibly replaceable plug-in rental-apartment 重新定義、設計營建手法,將房屋組成解構為預製好的「內裝」和”外殼”兩完整部件,並猶如「汽車」進出”車庫”的運作關係,使「內裝」產生可任意組進”外殼”、被拆卸替換的功能。 (標準化整合)上述模組建築技術和提供免費代管/租服務,應用在新建,經濟便捷、可移動摺疊、裝卸機動性的永續長租公寓,使市場兩端之房東/客,各擁更佳(投報率)及(可負擔性)。 Redefine and redesign construction. A building is divided into two parts, prefab-interior and exterior component, and the construction act like car parking in garage, which also means the interior component can be retracted and replaced anytime desired. Standardized integration – The provided service contains not only building construction also free property management and lease. The mobile, flexible and reusable newly-built rental apartment makes both target audiences (owner and tenant) more profitable and affordable, respectively.