

Blockchain Services

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Around 160,000 people pass away every day in this world and yet there's no sustainable way for us to remember them. Most online memorials do not store their data beyond our lifetime and Wikipedia, well, it's only for notable people. Which gave us the idea to build a global database to keep records of all the people who have died, permanently and persistently for 300 years and more. By storing this data in multiple decentralized networks, we can ensure that even when we are gone, this big data can and shall sustain itself. This non-profit project is proud to be the grand champion of the Babylon Project 2.0 hackathon. This achievement helps to spur us on to pursue this project for our current and future generations. Our purpose is to build and sustain this globalized database so that all of us, including you and me, shall persist in this world forever. Many are now contributing to our cause and you can too. Go to to play your part.