
Vereniging van Leraren in Levende Talen

Education Administration Programs


Dutch Association of Teachers in Living Languages. Levende Talen is a federation of 15 associations or sections of teachers in modern languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch and Dutch as a second language, Dutch Sign Language (NGT), English, French, Frisian, German, Italian, Limburgian, Low Saxon, Papiamento, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. Principal aim is to stimulate language education in the Netherlands in the broadest sense, by providing - a platform for teachers in modern languages, - information about (language) education to language teachers; - (legal) support concerning conditions of employment to language teachers. Levende Talen organizes seminars and conferences about language teaching. Members of the association are informed about news and new developments in the field of language teaching through the publication of a journal, 'Levende Talen Tijdschrift', and a magazine, 'Levende Talen Magazine'. The website is a source of information as are the various newsletters of the association and its sections. You may find us on Twitter @LevendeTalen as well.