
LMI Global Organization

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Unlock Your Potential with LMI Global Organization, a Global Powerhouse. Embark on a Journey of Knowledge and Excellence through Online Courses, and Trainings. From Mathematics to Business, Engineering to Education and English. We Empower University Students and Professionals Alike. Fuel Your Success with Our Extensive Collection of Books and Guides. 1-Course & Project Consultation: LMI provides online consultation and online sessions in different majors: Mathematics., Statistics, English, Engineering and Business Administration. Moreover, LMI provides consultation for your project of all levels, including Master and PhD Levels. 2-Thesis writing Services: LMI has a professional team that provides online training and consultation sessions that enable students to formulate and finalize their papers and dissertations in a perfect manner. 3-CV Writing and Interview Skills LMI global organization has a professional team that helps you how to produce an effective CV and Linked profile. Moreover, this course focuses on critical success factors for effective interview. 4-IELTS & SAT Tests Preparation: LMI offers online training sessions for students of different levels preparing for the IELTS & SAT tests. 5-English Sessions: LMI has an expert team that enables you to develop your listening, reading comprehension, writing and speaking skills in order to master the English language fully and perfectly. 6- Digital Marketing Course LMI global organization has a professional team that offers online training in order to know the fundamentals of planning and market research using social media. 7- Data Analysis Using SPSS and Excel LMI has a professional team that offers online trainings that prepare students to understand SPSS & Excel professionally. 8- Project Management, Leadership, HR Trainings LMI has a professional team that offers online trainings that prepare the professionals to understand these trainings in practical ways.