
Lawsisto - Global Legal ‘AI’sistant

Legal Services


Lawsisto End to End Global Legal Assistant catering to individuals, corporates, MSMEs, lawyers, and attorneys across the globe by providing a variety of simplified legal services outsourcing solutions. Additionally, we also have news platforms, i.e., (Global Legal) and General), where one can publish their stories and connect with our readers. We like to stay ahead of our time by providing solutions that no other player in the market does. With our virtual legal assistant and virtual legal secretary services for corporates and attorneys, respectively, We provide a plethora of legal outsourcing services such as contact drafting/vetting, conveyance drafting, depositions summary, back office assistance, calander management, etc. through a very simplified model for delivery of the services. We offer cutting-edge solutions with highly customized and expert solutions through a single channel and a single point of contact. We help our clients save time and cost. Futher more, our news platforms provide opportunities to our network to share their thoughts and stories with our readers. Connect with us on to associate with us or to know more about us.