
Alber Sklavos, P.C. (Law Offices of Michael J. Alber, P.C.)

Law Practice


The clients at our firm range from corporations to individuals facing life in prison. This firm has litigated controversial custody cases and complex divorces. We have been successful achieving acquittals at trial, getting cases outright dismissed, achieving favorable settlements, and negotiating favorable agreements. The mission of our firm is to work endlessly for results. We recognize that we are a result based industry, and we do everything we can for our clients including answering calls at all hours. As a firm we strive to have our clients’ questions answered immediately without delay. This firm looks forward to the prospect of a trial, and is proud of its reputation amongst the bar and bench for the trial ability of its’ members. Nonetheless, our firm takes a cost conscious approach with an eye on achieving the desired result, which often times can be achieved without a trial.