
Latvijas Platforma attīstības sadarbībai/Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation

Non-profit Organization Management


The Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS) was established in 2004. The same year, when Latvia joined the European Union. LAPAS unites Latvian NGOs, which believe that Latvia’s transition experience to a democratic market economy can be useful to others. LAPAS also promotes NGO participation in development cooperation and coordinates Latvia’s efforts in development education. Member organisations’ fields of expertise include such areas as: • good governance, anti-corruption, criminal justice policy; • tolerance and inclusive public policy; • education policy, global and development education, intercultural and bilingual education, lifelong learning; • sexual and reproductive health rights, HIV/ AIDS; • childrens’ rights, work with street children, work with children having special needs, youth-friendly healthcare, youth advocacy; • local development and sustainable environment; • gender equality; • European policy; • strengthening civil society at the national, local and regional level. LAPAS often is the initial contact point for NGOS, local and national governments of other countries interested in exploring the applicability of Latvia’s experience to their environment. Our capacity base extends to 107 member organisations of the Latvian Civic Alliance, local governments, different government entities and other development stakeholders in Latvia. What can LAPAS offer? • Latvian experience in development of various sectors, emphasizing the active role of the civil society sector in policy formulation, implementation and evaluation; • Latvian experience in development of the democratic civil society at the State, municipal and NGO levels.