
AUB-Knowledge to Policy (K2P) Center

Public Policy Offices


Mission To bridge the gap between science, policy, and politics by making high-quality evidence and context-specific knowledge more accessible to a broader range of stakeholders; building institutional capacities for evidence-informed policymaking, and seizing opportunities to advocate and influence policy agenda, decision making and action in health and social care sectors Vision To be a leading hub and reference center for strengthening health and social policies and actions and improving outcomes through collective problem solving Objectives -Support and build Knowledge Translation (KT) capacity of research networks, civil society, researchers, policy makers and the media including capacity of health policy making institutions; -Inform the production, packaging and sharing of evidence from public health research in an objective manner and based on current and emerging policy making priorities; -Inform policy making in an objective manner using the best available evidence that can be prepared and packaged given time and resource constraints; -Develop and test models for KT that are culturally appropriate, relevant, and effective for the region.