
Know-How Innovative Solutions S.L. (KHISGROUP)

Industrial Machinery Manufacturing


Know-How Innovative Solutions S.L. (KHISGROUP) is a young company but created by staff with a wide and contrasted experience in structural integrity, mechanical characterization, welding and numerical simulation. Active professionals and researches with a proven career, as well as Professors, are involved in our multidisciplinary team. In fact, we are a spin-off of the University of Oviedo. We offer a high-level of both qualification and specialization. We offer scientific and technical services with a high added value, that can be applied at any phase of the useful life of a structure, component or welded joint. This way, we are supporting our customers at the phases of design, manufacturing, quality control, reparation, failure analysis and R&D. We provided all the know-how developed for more than 20 years of University/Company cooperation. Results obtained in applied industrial research are developed and utilized, transferring latest advances in materials and joint technologies from the University to the Workshop. We have innovative techniques for controlling and improving the quality of the products manufactured and/or used by our customers, optimizing materials and increasing their useful life and safety. You are welcome to look up to our wide catalog of services. Do not hesitate to contact us or ask for a meeting to know what we can offer to your company.

  • Federacion de Balonmano del Principado de Asturias

    Federacion de Balonmano del Principado de Asturias, Calle Espronceda, Distrito Llano, Gijón, 33271, Spain

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