
Klet Brda

Food and Beverage Services

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Klet Brda


Odlična vina Vinske kleti Goriška Brda se rojevajo med očarljivimi vinogradi v osrčju Goriških brd. Poslanstvo ene izmed najbolj prepoznavnih in največjih vinskih hiš v Sloveniji je nadaljevati in še uspešneje soustvarjati večstoletno tradicijo pridelovanja vin. Ta navdušujejo ljubitelje in poznavalce doma in v kar 26 deželah po svetu. Skrivnost uspeha je v spretnosti, s katero zna naša ekipa edinstvene danosti področja Goriških brd s predanostjo trti in z vinarsko strastjo vdahniti v svoja mirna in peneča se vina. Klet je nastala leta 1957 kot zadruga in je še danes v 100-odstotni lasti članov. Klet upravlja 1000 hektarjev vinogradov; ki se raztezajo na pol poti med Jadranom in Alpami. Poznamo jih po izvrstnih suhih, svežih in sadno dišečih vinih uveljavljenih blagovnih znamk Villa Brici LIGHT, Quercus, Bagueri in A+. ●●● The exquisite wines of Klet Brda winery are being born among charming vineyards, right in the heart of Goriška brda region. The mission of one of the most renowned and major Slovene wine producers is to successfully continue and improve the centuries-long tradition of wine making. Our wines impress wine lovers and experts in Slovenia and in 26 countries throughout the world. The secret lies in the passionate skilfulness of our team in incorporating the unique particularities of Goriška brda in our internationally awarded still and sparkling wines. The wine cellar was founded in 1957 as a cooperative and is still completely today owned by its members. The winery manages 1000 hectares of vineyards that spread half-way between the Adriatic and the Alps. They are most renowned for dry, fresh and fruity wines of the Villa Brici Light, Quercus, Bagueri and A+ brands.

  • National Assembly of Republic of Slovenia

    National Assembly of Republic of Slovenia, 4, Šubičeva ulica, Vrtača, Četrtna skupnost Center, Ljubljana, Upravna Enota Ljubljana, 1102, Slovenia

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