
Juluen Enterprise Co., Ltd. 巨輪興業(股)公司

Vehicle Repair and Maintenance


ABOUT JULUEN- Established by President George Chen in 1990, JULUEN Enterprise is a leading manufacturer in high quality visual and audio warning solution, specialized in advanced technology and innovative design. Over three decades of expertise in the field, we have experience in a great diversity of special vehicle solutions including Police, Fire, EMS and public utility market and established an excellent reputation in the world-wide emergency warning industry. Local to World-Wide Responsibility Based in Taiwan, JULUEN employs over 200 employees in designing, manufacturing and distributing products to over 60 countries globally. Combining new technology with years of industry experience, JULUEN aims to provide the best reliable and responsible safety products to communities. This includes designs that surpassing in ECE/SAE safety standard and using of Eco-friendly RoHS/Conflict-Free materials. 巨輪興業於1990年成立,提供高品質的視覺及聽覺警示設備解決方案,包括各類專業車輛警示燈具、照明燈具及車用警報設備。立足於台灣,目前擁有超過274名在地員工,負責研發設計及生產製造,行銷產品遍佈全球超過60多國家。經過二十九年的淬鍊,我們積攢了在警用、消防、緊急救護支援、和公共事業服務等領域豐富的相關知識,結合最新的研發成果與不斷精進的產品知識,提供最好的產品,目標成為顧客眼中最值得信賴的夥伴。

  • Sansia Junior High School

    Sansia Junior High School, 238, Fuxing Road, Yongguan Village, Sanxia District, Special-use Zone of National Taipei University, New Taipei, 23741, Taiwan

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