
JK Medirise disposable Medical Devices

Medical Device


JK MEDIRISE is a healthcare startups company in the international medical devices market. JK MEDIRISE is decade old believing in the statement to deliver the premier quality and international standard Medical device products for the healthcare and medical sector. # Products: * TRANSFUSION / INFUSION * INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY * UROLOGY * GASTROENTEROLOGY * ANAESTHESIA * SURGERY * SURGICAL DRESSINGS * SURGICAL DISPOSABLE PRODUCT * MISCELLANEOUS JK MEDIRISE would like to invite you to consider possible business collaborations. Please visit our company website for more information. I am looking forward to hearing from you. With all respect and best regards, Mr. Ketan MUNJANI JK Medirise Manufacturer exporter India plastic medical disposable devices cannula catheter gloves syringes Needles sutures bandages Nebulizer tube bags sterile oxygen Thoracic endotracheal urine vein venous arteries stent inflation Fabricante exportador India plástico dispositivos médicos desechables cánula cateter guantes jeringuillas Agujas suturas vendas Nebulizador tubo bolsas oxígeno estéril oxígeno orina endotraqueal torácica arterias venosas stent inflación Fabricant exportateur Inde plastique médicaux dispositifs jetables canule cathéter gants seringues Aiguilles sutures bandages Nébuliseur tubes sachets Thoracic endotrachéale urine veine veineux artères stent inflation Üretici ihracatçısı Hindistan plastik tıbbi tek kullanımlık cihazlar kanül kateter eldiven şırınga İğneler sütürler bandajlar Nebülizör tüp poşetleri steril oksijen Göğüs endotrakeal idrar damar damar arterleri stent enflasyon Производитель экспортер Индия пластиковые одноразовые медицинские устройства канюля катетера перчатки шприцов Иглы Швы бинты Ингалятор трубки мешки стерильными кислорода Грудной эндотрахеальная мочи вены венозной артерии стента инфляции مصدر مورد الهند بلاستيك الأجهزة الطبية القابل للتصرف قفازات قنية القسطرة المحاقن إبر خياطة الجروح والضمادات أكياس أنبوب رذاذة معقمة الأكسجين