

Research Services

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The Grenoble MRI platform was developed by IFR No. 1 (now SFR from 1/1/2011) which brings together research teams (University, Inserm, CNRS, University Hospital, CRSSA) involved in methodological developments in MRI and applications of MRI in Neuroscience. The platform, labeled RIO since 2003, has integrated the multimodal facility "Imagerie Sciences du Vivant" (ISdV) of Grenoble that was labeled IBiSA in 2009. Since the 1st of January 2012, the MRI platform formed, with the neurophysiology facility (electroencephalography (EEG), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)), the Service Unit IRMaGe affiliated with INSERM US17-CNRS UMS3552-UJF-CHU.