
Investment Banking Council of America

Education Administration Programs


The Investment Banking Council of America (IBCA) leads one of the most powerful initiatives in decades to establish and propagate standards, norms, knowledge frameworks, and credentials for Investment banking professionals to help them grow in their profession. IBCA heralds a paradigm shift in how the Investment Banking industry should assess, value, and trust the competence and excellence of its incoming analysts, advisors, and managers and build a robust pool of future-ready investment bankers. Versatile and wide-bodied, the IBCA investment banking credentials are designed for professionals associated with—or willing to join—all possible domains of investment banking practiced today: advisory, underwriting, M&A, or equity, bond, or derivatives financing. The IBCA-IBAN standards and credentials are the result of elaborate market and technical studies involving scores of investment bankers, valuation experts, investment firms, capital market advisors, private equity companies, leading private investors, investment principals, as well as several leading investment and asset managers. To learn more, please visit