
Interpol Lawyers - Collegium of International Lawyers

Law Practice


We are Interpol Lawyers! We have in-depth knowledge of INTERPOL issues and are experts in them. Our attorneys are fluent in numerous languages and are qualified in a number of jurisdictions, including Spain, France, UAE, UK, USA, Germany and Cyprus. We are successfully representing clients from all over the world, including handling multiple jurisdictions cases, that is achieved due to our global legal network, extensive legal experience and in-depth expertise. The company has often been successful in getting Red Notices and other INTERPOL tools deleted. Around the world, we have defended a large number of well-known clients, including some who were politically exposed. To ensure that we have all the necessary information and can effectively advise on local actions that might improve our client's case against the publishing of a Red Notice, we frequently collaborate with local lawyers and authorities. We have a lot of experience dealing with INTERPOL Red Notices, helping clients challenge them, and dealing with the fallout. Red Notices are published when a nation wants to find and apprehend wanted people in order to extradite them. As a result, an INTERPOL Red Notice may significantly restrict a person's liberty, travel options, and economic opportunities. It can result in the closure of bank accounts and have severe effects on a person's reputation. Even while certain Red Notices will be posted on the INTERPOL website, many times a notification won't even be known to exist. Whether or whether there is a bilateral extradition agreement in effect, a Red Notice may result in an arrest. A Red Notice is likely to stay active even though an extradition request has been denied. Red Notices may originate from civil lawsuits or criminal investigations with political undertones. In the midst of adversarial civil litigation when the fear of criminal prosecution is a well-known technique, we frequently counsel professionals who are faced with the problem of a Red Notice.