
Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics

Research Services


The Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics is one of Europe’s largest data analytics research organisations, with over 450 researchers, more than 220 industry partners and €150+ million in funding. Our research spans Health and Human Performance, Enterprise and Services, Smart Communities and IoT, Sustainability and Operations. Insight is made up of four host institutions at DCU, University of Galway, UCC and UCD. Insight’s partner sites are Maynooth University, TCD, Tyndall and UL We live in a data rich world, where almost everything we do results in a data record being created and stored somewhere. Our vision is to create a healthier, safer, more productive world by empowering a data-driven society to enable better decisions by individuals, communities, business and governments. The Insight Centre for Data Analytics was created to realise this vision. At Insight we combine the skills of leading researchers with cutting-edge technologies from diverse research areas. We work closely with industry partners to develop next-generation data acquisition and analytics solutions for important and diverse application areas. Our key areas of priority research include: The Semantic Web, Sensors and the Sensor Web, Social network analysis, Decision Support and Optimization Connected Health. Insight has a critical mass of research competence and is an international beacon for the science and application of Big Data Analytics. The Insight Centre is designed to provide a national ICT research platform for Ireland based on world-class targeted research programmes. The centre opened on July 1st 2013 and has received funding in excess of €88m, from SFI and Industry sources, for research programmes spanning the next six years.