
Inel - medicinska tehnika d.o.o.

Medical Equipment Manufacturing


The company’s service programme includes import, distribution, application support and servicing of medical, laboratory and other products. The products are intended for a wide range of customers: hospitals, health centres, polyclinics, institutes, industries, research centres, universities, emergency rooms, wholesale pharmacies, etc. The company INEL – medicinska tehnika d.o.o. consists of a successful team of young and highly-educated people who are fully committed to their jobs. Their goal is to improve our business operations and achieve customer satisfaction both in our country and abroad. Program tvrtke obuhvaća uvoz, distribuciju, aplikacijsku podršku i servis medicinskih, labaratorijskih i ostalih proizvoda. Proizvodi su namijenjeni širokom spektru kupaca: bolnice, domovi zdravlja, poliklinike, zavodi, instituti, industrija, istraživački centri, fakulteti, hitne pomoći, veledrogerije itd. Tvrtku čini uspješna ekipa mladih i visokoobrazovanih ljudi u cijelosti predanih svom poslu sa ciljem unaprijeđenja poslovanja i postizanja zadovoljstva naših kupaca u zemlji i inozemstvu kvalitetom naših proizvoda i usluga.