
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, Singapore Branch



ICBC Singapore Branch, the first overseas institution of ICBC, was established in 1993. Over years of arduous endeavour, ICBC Singapore Branch has become one of the leading commercial banks in Singapore, offering a full range of financial products and services covering retail banking, private banking, corporate banking and institutional banking. In 2013, ICBC Singapore Branch was appointed by The People’s Bank of China as the first RMB Clearing Bank outside Great China and the sole RMB Clearing Bank in Singapore. As the sole RMB Clearing Bank in Singapore, ICBC Singapore Branch is able to deliver comprehensive and superior RMB cross-border products and services to all our valued customers. We have established the Private Banking Hub, Commerce & Structured Trade Finance Hub, Cash Management Hub and Financial Institutions Center to promote RMB related products covering areas such as RMB deposit & loan, RMB cross-border trade settlement, capital settlement, trade financing, global cash management, asset management, RMB bond issuance and special customer-tailored RMB services. We are the first Chinese bank to set up a Debt Capital Markets team in Singapore. Leveraging on ICBC being the world’s largest RMB bank and its strong funding capability, advanced technology platform and global institutional network, ICBC Singapore Branch has already been established as The Preferred RMB in Singapore. 中国工商银行新加坡分行成立于1993年,是中国工商银行的第一家海外营业性机构;2012年获新加坡金管局颁发特许全面银行牌照;2013年经中国人民授权成为大中华区之外的第一家离岸人民币清算行。 工行新加坡分行提供全面的银行产品和服务,主要包括公司金融、贸易金融、个人金融、资金及外汇交易、债务资本市场、投资银行、资产管理与托管等;并设有多个总行级业务中心,包括人民币清算与做市中心、东南亚金融机构营销中心、境外现金管理中心、大宗商品贸易及结构性融资中心、境外筹资工具发行中心、私人银行中心等。 立足于地理区位及资源禀赋优势,新加坡分行积极创新发展,持续提升金融服务水平,打造服务新发展格局的境外核心平台,在多个领域成功了构建市场竞争优势和品牌影响力。人民币清算及人民币做市交易名列前茅;贸易融资及国际结算稳居集团内境外机构第一;连续多年荣获中央结算公司“优秀境外机构投资者奖”;荣膺《财资》杂志“新加坡最佳银团奖”及“最佳可持续金融债券交易奖”,《欧洲金融》全球现金管理“陶朱奖”;是名列新加坡“全球金融科技奖-金融机构10强”的唯一中资银行。