
International Conference of Police Chaplains

Law Enforcement
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We find ourselves in a difficult time in history as our world drifts farther away from the historical moorings that at one time anchored our lives, families and cultures. The breakdown of the family, a faulty understanding of human nature and a lack of awareness of the responsibilities of living in community have taken its toll. Tasked with picking up the pieces of broken lives and a broken culture, law enforcement officers and their families struggle to see the significance of their divine calling and the vital role it plays in the survival of their communities. The good news is that Heaven has dispatched a special group of servants uniquely equipped to help them rediscover their high calling and what it takes to be victorious in fulfilling it … Chaplains. The encyclopedia Britannica attributes the origin of the term chaplain to the 4th Century, and lists the Emperor Charlemagne as employing chaplains in “direct service to the monarch as advisers in both ecclesiastical and secular matters.” This dual purpose continues in our day. Chaplains are experts in ecclesiastical matters to those inquiring but serve an invaluable secular purpose as well. Properly trained law enforcement chaplains receive a broad spectrum of secular training to include Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, Suicide Prevention, Understanding/Addressing the Unique Challenges of the Law Enforcement Family, Responding to a Crisis, and an Understanding of Proper Church-State Relations to name a few. Faithfully meeting emotional needs, chaplains can build the relationships needed to establish trust and ultimately, share life giving truth. Contact the International Conference of Police Chaplains ... We specialize in "Developing Professional Law Enforcement Chaplains through Dynamic Education and Support." Let us help you discover how well trained chaplains can make all the difference in your agency!