
Huatai International Financial Holdings Company Limited

Financial Services


Huatai International Financial Holdings Company Limited (“Huatai International” or “the Company”), is the only overseas wholly-owned or controlled subsidiary of Huatai Securities. Huatai International is the Huatai Group’s international arm which plays as a crucial role in the group's internationalization strategy by: a) not only providing offshore capital market services (and a global business platform) but also provides onshore clients with valuable cross-border capital market services (aligned with the mainland China government’s policies and commercial intentions); b) actively making use of Huatai Securities’ leading position, distribution network and customer base in mainland China; c) integrating on a global basis across many jurisdictions and regions, a successful and fully integrated international financial platform with innovative financial services solutions. Huatai International operates as a holding company for consolidating all of the group’s cross-border businesses and companies under one umbrella, offering a truly unified and international business platform. In recognition of such international strength, the renowned international rating agency Standard and Poor’s has assigned Huatai International a “BBB+” rating (for long term) and “A-2” (for short-term). 华泰国际金融控股有限公司(以下简称“华泰国际”)作为华泰证券国际业务平台,与集团全业务链体系全方位对接,建立了多层次的客户服务和管理体系。华泰国际致力于推动境内外资本市场“互联互通”,积极利用境内强大的分销网络、客户基础、研究实力等资源,实现有效的跨境联动,加强资源整合,不断提升跨境资本市场服务能力。目前,华泰国际已初步搭建了横跨一、二级市场的跨境金融产品平台,为境内客户提供全方位的境外投融资服务、境外客户提供参与境内资本市场的投资机会。 凭借着强劲的资本实力、出色的业务水平、成熟的风控体系,标准普尔向华泰国际发出了BBB+(长期发行人)、A-2(短期发行人)的信用评级,体现出国际市场对集团海外业务发展进程的认可。 Disclaimer 华泰国际是华泰证券全资控股的境外子公司和海外业务平台,并通过控股子公司华泰金融控股(香港)有限公司(简称“华泰金控”)从事香港证券及期货事务监察委员会监管下的第1、2、4、6、7、9类受规管活动。背靠着香港市场的国际化优势,借助着集团在境内的领先地位、分销网络、客户基础、研究实力等,华泰金控全面开展各项业务,现已发展成为国际一流的综合跨境金融服务平台。