
HOROPEDIA Foundation

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HOROPEDIA is the first universal and multilingual encyclopedia dedicated exclusively to the world of ‎watchmaking. It is open to everyone, from big companies and watchmakers to the general public, it ‎is a neutral, and independent digital platform. Its aim is to share all the knowledge and highlight ‎the know-how, and technical and artistic skills accumulated by the industry over the centuries. HOROPEDIA is a true watchmaking culture. Our goals are: - Gather the entire watchmaking community to contribute to its content on a voluntary ‎and unsolicited basis - Offer students in continuing education the opportunity ‎to pursue their studies in the watchmaking field - Support projects and ‎activities related to the preservation of the watchmaking culture in the world. HOROPEDIA is created by a non-profit Swiss foundation, the HOROPEDIA Foundation. Its Executive ‎Board is composed of Philippe Dufour (President), Dr. Helmut Crott, André Colard, and Marc André ‎Deschoux as Executive Director. INSTAGRAM: @horo.pedia FACEBOOK: @horopedia