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Most people understand that the planet needs a little TLC at the moment, and this shop is about providing everyone with easy access to healthier options (for you and the world). At HMS we believe that everyone has the capability and the desire to start making planet-friendly choices, but the reality it is not easy to find a shop online where you can just purchase hassle-free normal products that are better for the planet. The truth is, if enough people do just a tiny bit it will make a huge difference. And in this day and age where so many items are unnecessarily made out of plastic, or unnecessarily a one-time-use product it is actually quite easy to make slightly more planet-friendly choices. At least it is now, with this store. Cutting down on plastic items in your home, swapping out consumables for reusables, and using more 100% natural products in your beauty regime all contribute to make a whole difference. Imagine for example if every single person in the world just swapped their plastic toothbrush for a bamboo one? It doesn't sound like much per person, but put together it would have a hugely positive impact on the environment. It matters that you do SOMETHING. A good and affordable start is to cut down on plastic. We recommend you start with items like your toothbrushes and shampoos: Swap to buying their non-plastic best buddies. Then think about what else in your home could be swapped - to wicker, wood, stainless steel, or bamboo instead. It is amazing how many items in the home that we take for granted are unnecessarily plastic. These very small changes can make a huge difference - Literally, every little bit counts.