
Health Economics Research Centre, University of Oxford

Research Services


The Health Economics Research Centre (HERC) was established by the University of Oxford in 1996. Our aim is to contribute to health and healthcare in the UK and internationally, by conducting research on economic aspects of health and disease, the costs and benefits of prevention and treatment, and the design and evaluation of health systems. We also have an active teaching and training programme, including undergraduate lectures, teaching and supervision of MSc and DPhil students, and a wide range of short courses, workshops and presentations. HERC is funded in part by NHS R&D funding, and in part by project grants and fellowships from the Department of Health, the major medical charities and international organisations. Pharmaceutical companies provide sponsorship of some events. HERC is part of the Department of Public Health within the University's Medical Sciences Division, and is located on the Old Road Campus in Headington, where the major epidemiological and health services research groups in Oxford are gathered. You can also follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter (