

Software Development

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Haylem is first of all the story of a dyslexic-dysorthographic little brother who dropped out of school after an obstacle course. Then it is the story of his older brother who after obtaining an engineering degree chose to help people with learning disabilities. Haylem is engineering and technological innovation for people who have difficulty reading and writing. Expertise in software development specializing in the field of written language, which mainly targets the education sector. We continuously collaborate with professionals in the field, in order to develop a tool that best meets their needs and especially those of their clientele. Haylem is also a keen sense of customer service, a lot of listening skills and a dedicated team. A great understanding of the issues surrounding learning disabilities allows us to treat our clients with respect, always having the mission of offering people who have difficulties, the opportunity to develop their potential and succeed at the same level than the others. Technology today is a great ally in pushing the boundaries and aspire to be bigger. At Haylem, access to literacy is seen as a fundamental right which must be given to all and accompanied by all the necessary tools so that each person can learn to read and write in optimal conditions. In his communications, Haylem places great emphasis on valuing people with a learning disability and educating the public about their reality. Valuable and benevolent help is offered to both professionals and families in using Lexibar. Several quality materials, guides, training, and technical support are offered completely free by the company in order to optimize the use of Lexibar.