
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic Child Care Centres

Primary and Secondary Education


Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic Child Care Centres (HWCCCC) is a not-for-profit corporation governed by community representatives and personnel from the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board. Each child care centre in our corporation is licensed by the Ministry of Education and must comply with the regulations of the Child Care and Early Years Act of Ontario. HWCCCC is also the Lead Agency responsible for administering and overseeing the Ontario Early Years Centres in Stoney Creek. It is our philosophy to provide play experiences with a focus on early child growth and development. With the guidance of specially trained staff, children grow in a Catholic environment that fosters: - Self esteem and decision making abilities - Creativity, curiosity, initiative and independence - Physical activity which develops gross and fine motor skills - Interaction, communication and respect for others Our childcare programs are in keeping with the fundamental characteristics and objectives that distinguish Catholic Schools and complement the programs of the Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board.