
Habitat for Humanity,Kenya.

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Habitat for Humanity,Kenya.


Habitat for Humanity began working in Kenya in 1982, and has since helped over 6,000 families in 200 communities across 9 regions. There is a desperate lack of decent housing in Kenya affecting those in both rural and urban areas. In urban areas where families have especially low incomes overcrowding is a big problem. Families often live in one room homes without windows, whilst homes made of mud and cow dung, with thatch roofs and dirt floors are common in rural areas. Approximately 750,000 homes in rural areas and 1,500,000 more in urban areas are needed. The insufficient housing in Kenya has attributed to the increase in social problems; conflict between tenants and landlords has become more common, and set standards regarding the construction of homes are frequently violated. Our work in Kenya Building assistance: Habitat for Humanity provide building assistance for the 222 members of the Panda group in Naivasha and the 2,000 members of Holy bird in Nairobi who hope to move out of slums and into homes on newly acquired land. Financial education: In partnership with Citi Foundation, Habitat for Humanity have been providing financial education to potential homeowners since 2009, equipping them with the knowledge and expertise in financial management that will allow them to plan for the future and eventually secure their own homes. Microfinance: Manageable loans are provided by Habitat for Humanity through the microfinance housing programme. This venture enables beneficiaries to receive a loan in three instilments, so that the new home owners do not have to carry too heavy a burden of debt. 180,000 Kenya shillings (approx £1,420) is usually enough to build a rural home. Internally Displaced Families Housing Project: Post election violence in 2007/2008 forced many families to move away from their homes. Habitat for Humanity worked with 335 families to build three roomed houses each with a pit latrine.