
Grand View United Methodist Church

Religious Institutions


Grand View United Methodist Church, located at 3342 John Wesley Drive, Dubuque, IA since 2003, was founded in 1877. The mission of Grand View is to Love God, Love Others, and Serve the World. Approximately 400 members worship at Grand View weekly, with Worship Celebrations held on Wednesday night at 6:30pm and Sunday morning at 8am (Classic), and 9:30am and 10:45am (Contemporary). Jesus said, “Come to me ALL who labor and are heavy burdened....” We believe ALL MEANS ALL. All people are welcome and the real hospitality we offer to all people, all of the time, matters. All are welcomed to worship, take Communion, and connect to this congregation. All are encouraged to be part of several circles of friends, circles of service, and one spiritual cell group.