
Geographic Integrated Services Ltd

Environmental Services


Geographic Integrated Services Limited was incorporated in Nigeria as a limited liability company, with incorporation number RC 775173. We operate as consultants in the professional fields of GIS (Geographic Information System), Mapping, and Town Planning. VISION Our vision is to be the best and largest GIS & Town Planning Consulting firm in Nigeria and beyond with consistent first-class performance in all aspects of business. We will be the best at solving geographic and planning problems and applying new ideas and learning faster than other organizations. Clients will prefer us not only because of our ability to provide value, but because of our integrity, unparalleled responsiveness, professionalism and sense of urgency to improve. MISSION We are into GIS and Town Planning consultancy services to excel in our core business in Nigeria and beyond. In doing so, our mission is to maximize value by being the best at meeting the geospatial yearnings of our clients, without jeopardizing professional standards. OUR CORE VALUES GROWTH Our prosperity will come from “growing” people. The growth of our staff, clients and people is the indicator of our success as a Company. INTEGRITY We will display exemplary integrity in all our transactions and dealings. Therefore, integrity will be the middle and the centre of our value. SERVICE DELIVERY Quality Service Delivery is the omega of our value and the reason we are in geospatial business. Courtesy and service are the cornerstones of our relationship with our clients. OUR SERVICES GIS SERVICES Needs Assessment Project Planning Database Design Imagery Processing Consultancy Services MAPPING SERVICES Service Availability DEM Contour Generation GPS Data Collection PLANNING SERVICES Master Planning Build Out Analysis Site Selection Analysis Land Use Analysis Ratification & Processing of C of O Planning Advocacy Environmental Management Report Socio-economic Baseline Survey